Wanted Design
Hors Pistes at Wanted Design Brooklyn, from 17.05 to 23.05 2017, New York / / / Scenography by Marie Douel & Christophe Machet, graphic design by Gwendoline Lémeret, background images by Jennifer Niederhauser Schlup & Fabrice Schneider, edited by Emile Barret —————– The exhibition at Wanted Design Brooklyn – marking the initiative’s US premiere – has showcased a selection of objects, images, and publications from the two previous Hors Pistes workshops held in Burkina Faso – Ouagadougou in 2013 and Banfora in 2014. The exhibition has been made possible thanks to the Cultural Services of the French Embassy to the US. via its Oui Design program, swissnex Boston New York Outpost, and the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York. —————– / / / Pictures by Emile Barret / Hors Pistes 2017/ / /